Astana: 12:39:45 2025.02.05

Tirikulova K. I.

Tirikulova Kulnara Ismagulovna
Chief Accountant

In 1984 has graduated from Novosibirsk university of railway transport engineers by specialization “Economics and management” with the qualification “Engineer-economist”.
Additionally has graduated Almjaty institute of retraining by the specialization “Economics and accounting” with the qualification “Accountant-economist”.
Started her working activity in 1977 as subsidiary worker at conductors reserve at the car depot in Tselinograd railway.
In 1978-1998 has worked as operator-controller at Tselinograd machine-counting station, engineer of distance at Tselinograd railway, engineer-economist, chief accountant of locomotive depot at Kushmurun railway, chief accountant of Tselinograd railway,leading economist at passenger depot st. Akmola railway, in 1998-2004: deputy of chief accountant, chief accountant of Akmola regional branch of passenger car household.
Since 2004 is working as deputy chief accountant of JSC “Wagonservice”.